Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Porziuncola & its Indulgence

Today, 2 August, is the day of the Porziuncola.  This day commemorates the little chapel given to St. Francis and the original Franciscans in 1208AD.  St. Francis himself restored the chapel that had fallen into disrepair before he received it.  It sits down the hill from the main town of Assisi.  This would be the site of the first Franciscan community, and the death of the great saint.

The Chapel of the Porziuncola, the facade and a side.
[For side shot: By Georges Jansoone - Own work, CC BY 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=759126]

The Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli, Assisi, Italy.  Inside this Basilica is the chapel.
[CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=118931]

In time, the chapel would be covered by a massive Basilica Church, the Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli, Saint Mary of the Angels, which was completed in 1578AD.  Los Angeles, California, would be named for this place.

This is the website of the Basilica, then, that houses the Porziuncola chapel: Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli: Porziuncola

Here is a link to the article in the Old Catholic Encyclopedia that gives much more detail:
Old Catholic Encyclopedia: Portiuncula

Also, certainly worth noting, is the custom of the Porziuncola indulgence, which one can gain on the 2nd day of August.  Formerly this was only granted to those who visited this little chapel of St. Francis in Italy on Pilgrimage, but today, is extended to visiting even a parish church.  It is a wonderful opportunity for us to show the support and foster affection for our own local parish!  We should all do our part to "rebuild" the Church.

Here is a word on the subject of the indulgence on the webpage of the Franciscans:
Franciscan Friars: Portiuncula indulgence

The Enchiridion Indulgentiarum, 33 (Visitationes locorum sacrorum), spells out the specific indulgence, which I present, first in English, and then in Latin:
"§1 A plenary indulgence is granted to the faithful who visit, and there devoutly recite an Our Father and the Creed,
a parish church
a. on the solemnity of its Titular;
b. on August 2, the day of the “Portiuncula” indulgence."

"§ 1. Plenaria indulgentia conceditur christifideli qui visitaverit, ibique pie recitaverit Pater et Credo,
5o ecclesiam paroecialem
a) in sollemnitate Titularis,
b) die secunda Augusti, qua « Portiunculae » indulgentia occurrit;"
[cf, http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/tribunals/apost_penit/documents/rc_trib_appen_doc_20020826_enchiridion-indulgentiarum_lt.html]

Of course, the indulgence applies not only to your local parish church, but also to a cathedral, basilica, or shrine.

You should note the norm that provides: "N14. If a visit to a Church or an oratory is required to obtain an indulgence attached to a particular day, this may be accomplished from noon of the preceding day until midnight of the particular day."  That means the indulgence can be gained from noon on 1 August...

The blogging Fr. Zuhlsdorf actually posted about this, as well: Fr. Z: 2 August until midnight Portiuncula plenary (or partial) indulgence

This pamphlet, too, gives an overview: The Portiuncula Indulgence (The Pardon Prayer of Saint Francis)

A word on indulgences might be in order, too, considering the confusion surrounding what they are in the world at large: Old Catholic Encyclopedia: Indulgences
Fisheaters: Gaining Indulgences

So, go visit a parish church and recite the Our Father and Creed, in addition to the other usual conditions!

Vatican radio reported recently that, "Pope Francis was making a private pilgrimage to the Italian hill town of Assisi on Thursday afternoon to visit the Porziuncola chapel there to mark the 800th anniversary of the 'Pardon of Assisi.'"

That story here: News.va: Pope Francis makes pilgrimage to town of Assisi


 Live well!