Maps are one of this bloggers favorite resources, tools, and hobbies. What a splendid way in which to learn about the world about us!
This brief post simply intends to provide posts to three webpages with excellent map resources.
The first is a great compilations of historical maps of locations all around the world. If you are looking for antique maps of a specific location, this is an excellent resource:
Old Maps Online
A USGS Topographic Map featuring the area around Stowe, Vermont. The site below has these maps for free by download!
This second page, to the website of the USGS, is specific to the United States, but provides not only free downloads of USGS topo maps (including maps and charts going back to the 19th century), but a Google map that has not only map and satellite options, but a topo option. Check it out:
USGS Map Locator and Downloader
Map of the Washington, DC area -- The color conforms to ethnic groups: blue, White; green, Black; orange, Hispanic; red, Asian. View the full map of the USA at the link below.
Finally, this map page is rather specific United States map that represents the census information on the distribution of ethnic groups in the Republic at the time of the last (2010AD) census. There are, they claim, 300 million colored-coded dotes. This tells so very much about the society and history of the country in a few quick glances:
Never be lost, read your map books, and never consent to be bossed around by a talking machine!
Live well!
Wow. That map of DC is crazy. Did the planners intend that black-white bifrication? Talk about segregation! --David R.